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Reba and Teddy's Puppies

Reba gave birth to 4 beautiful, shiny, healthy puppies on Aug 31. There are three Boys and one Girl. All puppies have fleece coats, with two Caramel and two Gold in color. They are quite big puppies and have all settled quickly into the eat/sleep routine and are absolutley thriving under Reba's watchful eye and her enormous 24/7 milk bar.

Puppies Dad: Rocky Creek Theodore Roosevelt (Teddy) is pictured to the right of Reba


Reba and Ollie's Puppies

Reba gave birth to 5 beautiful, shiny, healthy puppies on Jan 28. Four Boys and one Girl. All puppies have fleece coats, with one Chocolate and four Gold in color. They have all settled nicely over these first few days and are thriving under Reba's watchful eye and her 24/7 milk bar.

Puppies Dad: Nicnak Prince Charming (Ollie) is pictured to the right.

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Indi and Rory's Puppies

With a little bit of coaxing from the Vet in the wee hours of the morning, Indy gave birth to 5 rather large, healthy puppies. Two gold and two chocolate Girls and one chocolate Boy, all with beautiful shiny fleece coats. Indy settled into motherhood naturally and did not leave their sides, feeding, cleaning and generally just admiring her brood. 

Puppies Dad is Nicnak Phantom Romeo
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Darby and Bardi's Puppies

With very little fuss or fanfare, Darby delivered 6, unexpectedly small baby boys - Three wool caramel, two wool chocolate and one fleece chocolate boy. Although a little bemused by the new additions, Darby soon realised that her very large milkbar was required 24/7 for her very active litter of puppies. 

Puppies Dad is Alpen ridge Hot Chocolate
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Cleo and Franklin's Puppies

Just as we were about to get ready for school, Cleo decided that now was the time to deliver her rainbow litter. Her four puppies, 2 girls and 2 boys, all of a very healthy weight, arrived with little assistance. Although not really sure what to do with them once they had arrived, Cleo's puppies took charge and latched onto Mum and the feeding frenzy began. A long milky snooze followed.

Puppies Dad is Kirkton's Franklin
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Darby and Thor's Puppies
In her usual quiet and unassuming way, Darby delivered 2 very precious babies - a cream girl and a caramel boy. These puppies are from imported semen from Canada; our first venture into international imports as we strive to expand our bloodlines. Whilst this litter size was small, we are super excited about the two puppies that will join our breeding program in 12 months time.

Puppies Dad is Labradoodles by Design Thor
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Indi and Bardi's Puppies

And just like last time, with coaxing from the Vet in the wee hours of the morning, Indi gave birth to 6 gorgeous puppies - four boys, (one gold and three chocolate) and two girls (one cream and one black), all with silky fleece coats. Indi was very tired after her long night and was happy to just sleep and cuddle up to her new brood.

Puppies Dad is Alpen Ridge Hot Chocolate
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Cleo and Rory's Puppies

Cleo gave birth to an all boy band of four at the end of May. Puppies all have lovely fleece coats in red and chocolate and are thriving on Cleo's constant attention and milkbar.  The puppies are now almost 4 weeks old and two of the chocolate boys coats have started to show us sable markings (which we are very excited about). You would swear they have had highlights in their coats.

Puppies Dad is Nicnak Phantom Romeo

All puppies have been reserved.


Toto and Frankie's Litter

Toto gave birth to 6 beautiful Black and White parti puppies at the end of May. There are five Girls and one Boy. Four of the puppies look very much like Mum and Dad with full black heads and white legs. Two of the girls have black and white faces, with less prominent black markings. They are have all settled quickly into their eat/sleep routine and are thriving under Toto's very watchful eye and close attention.

Puppies Dad: Rusty Amber Chaplin is pictured to the right of Toto.


Indi and Bardi Puppies

Indi and Bardi would like to announce the safe delivery of their second litter together; 4 gorgeous puppies - 2 girls and 2 boys in Black, Gold and Caramel.
This is Indi's retirement litter and it hasn't diaappointed. A little help was needed again from PenVet emergency room, but Indi did an amazing job.


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Raven and Banjo's Litter
We are very excited to announce the eventful, but safe arrival of  Raven and Banjo's 4 beautiful babies - 3 boys and 1 girl. As expected Raven produced a rainbow of colours: 1 Black phantom boy, 1 Chocolate phantom boy, 1 White boy and 1 Gold abstract girl.
Banjo is from our friends at Clairevale Labradoodles. He is miniature just like Raven and carries both phantom and parti markings.



Darby and Bardi's Puppies
Rusty Amber Deja Vu and Alpen Ridge Hot Chocolate
Born March 8, 2023

This is Darby's retirement litter. Puppies will be medium in size and have fleece coats in colours of chocolate and caramel (2 Boys and 2 Girls). We are hoping that the puppies will have the beautiful gentle nature of both Darby and Bardi.


Ruby and Bardi Puppies
Rocky Creek Leading Lady and Alpen Ridge Hot Chocolate
Born April 3, 2023.

Welcome to the world Ruby and Bardi's 8 babies - 4 Chocolate and 4 Caramel/Red (6 girls and 2 boys).

We are super excited about finally being able to produce some gorgeous Ruby puppies. Ruby has a deep rich red, fleece coat and is just the most wonderful Labradoodle. She is gentle, sweet and loads of fun, instantly making friends with both canine and human companions. The perfect family addition!

Bardi is our gorgeous, gentle boy who will complement Ruby's structure and personality perfectly. We hope that their puppies are just like Mum and Dad.


Toto and Cooper babies.
Tui Ridge Libby Loo and Siena Sk8er Boi

This is Toto's second litter and the first for our gorgeous home grown Canadian boy. The six Puppies should grow to be medium in size and have fleece coats. There are 4 girls - 2 Black, 1 Black Parti and 1 Chocolate Parti and 2 boys - both Chocolate. We are hoping that the puppies will have the gentle, curious nature of Mum and the beautiful, happy personality of Cooper. 




Raven and Armani's litter
Alpen Ridge Tia's Fantasma and Alpen Ridge Armani

This was Raven's second litter, born on November 20 - A Black Phantom Girl and a Chocolate Phantom Boy. They settled quickly into eat, sleep, repeat and Raven enjoyed some restful time in between feeding her two babies.

Puppies joined their fur-ever families on July 30.                                                                                                                                                            


Toto and Cooper's Litter
This was Toto's retirement litter of 4 Girls and 3 Boys in Colours of Black, Chocolate, Black Parti and Chocolate Parti. As usual, Toto was ever so attentive and protective of her babies and did not leave their sides for the first two weeks. All 7 puppies inherited Mum's gentle nature and Dad's sense of fun and adventure. 


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Rosie and Charlie's Litter
Rosie and Charlie's litter of 4 Girls and 1 Boy in Colours of Black, Caramel, Blue Merle and Chocolate Merle was our first venture into the world of Merle pattern Labradoodles. Rosie was a first time Mum and did a great job (after some initial trepidation). The puppies steadily put on weight and spent their most of their early days sleeping and feeding.

These puppies developed beautifully - both structurally and in temperament. Such fun-loving puppies that were just as happy to sit on your lap and be cuddled.

Rosie and Charli's puppies were Miniature in size, ALF 3 generation and had fleece coats.


Leila and Chevy's Litter
We are over the moon to announce the safe arrival of Leila (Illawarra Siena's Choice) and Chevy's (Canadian Doodles Chevron) family of 6 - 4 girls and 2 boys in colours of Gold Black and Sable.

These puppies will be standards (approx 53cms), ALF2 generation with fleece coats. These extra special puppies are the first of a new line here in Australia and we are in love with them already!!


Remy and Cooper's Litter

Clever Remy delivered 8 bouncing babies on May 7. She has 5 females and 3 males in all colours of the Labradoodle rainbow - Black, Chocolate, Gold, Caramel, Black Parti and Caramel Parti. These puppies are medium sized,  fourth generation Labradoodle AL and have fleece coats (both wavy and curly).

This is Remy's first litter and she is certainly taking motherhood in her stride with her puppies thriving under her watchful eye. Of course it helps when your babies take the initiative and begin suckling the moment they are born!



Ruby and Cruiser's Litter

This was one of our most anticipated litters for 2024. Ruby (Rocky Creek Leading Lady) and Cruiser (Prairies Cruiser at SVL) presented us with their stunning, Caramel, Gold and Red, medium sized, fourth (AL) generation, fleece coated babies. Ruby was a calm and gentle mother and her babies thrived in this peaceful environment.
We were so happy with these babies that we have decided to repeat this mating for Ruby's retirement litter.
Stay Tuned!!!



Maggie and Bailey

This is Maggie first Litter and she has taken to motherhood so very naturally.  Three precious little Chocolate puppies were born on Sept 9 all with white flashes on their chests. Puppies should have the same fun-lovng and gentle nature of both Mum and Dad.

Puppies should be small medium in size, AL generation with fleece coats.


Raven and Cooper

Welcome to the world Raven and Coopers 4 little babies - One Black, one Chocolate, One Caramel and one Chocolate Parti.

This is Raven's retirement Litter, but her first with the gorgeous Cooper. The puppies had the same fun-lovng and gentle nature of both Mum and Dad

Puppies were miniature/ small medium in size, ALF3 generation with curly fleece coats.



Olive and Bailey

Olive and Bailey welcomed 5 bouncing babies into the world l - 3 boys and 2 girls. All Chocolate except for one Caramel boy.

This is Olives very first litter and she is handling motherhood like a Pro. Both Olive and Bailey have such sweet, gentle natures which I am sure their puppies will inherit too.

Puppies should be medium in size, AL generation with lovely, curly fleece coats.

These babies were divine. Happy, playful and full of love. I think they inherited the best of both Mum and Dad.

Ruby and Cruiser's second Litter

This is Ruby's retirement litter and is a repeat breeding with Prairies Cruiser at Sun Valley Labradoodles (Canada), as their first litter of puppies were so superb.

Ruby safely delivered 9 Puppies (6 Girls and 3 Boys) on December 9. They were all medium in size, AL generation and had fleece coats in colours of Gold, Caramel and Red and some with stunning Abstract markings just like Dad's.


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